Saturday, November 19, 2011

You Tube Playlist

This post is just for you! Since we are starting our Civil Rights unit this coming week I decided to mix things up and create a Civil Rights video playlist on You Tube for you to watch. I did an introduction to give you an idea of what the videos are about and then added four other videos from You Tube. The first video is a summary of the Civil Rights era, the second video is a short biography on Martin Luther King Jr. , the third video is a biography of Rosa Parks and the fourth and final video is about the Little Rock Nine which you will learn about in the video. While you are watching these videos I want you to think about three things that you see or hear about segregation was like in the 1950's and 60's and compare those three things to the America we live in today. Write those things down and bring your answers to class so we can discuss them together and kick off our new unit. Use the link below to access the playlist. See you Monday!

Ms. Miller

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Digital Citizenship Presentation With Prezi

Hi everyone,

I know it has been a while since I last wrote but I wanted to let you all know that I have recently learned how to use a Internet presentation tool called prezi to make display information in a new and fun way. The first prezi presentation I recently made is about academic dishonesty such as plagiarism, inappropriate use of Internet content, and academic cheating in general. Through this presentation students will learn what is and is not appropriate as far as being a good digital citizen. I gave the students a number of explanations, definitions and links so they can know my policies and what I expect of them throughout the year. I am excited to have learned how to use prezi because now students can be more engaged in learning about things that otherwise might not be as interesting. I will put the link to my prezi at the bottom of the page. Until next time,
